Wednesday, January 28, 2009


You can read into the above pic what you want.. personally I think some people may need it stapled to their foreheads... but I digress. You can easily replace the word "ladies" with my name.. works just the same.

Directness? Is that even a word? I get a pass since I'm blogging at 6:15 am and confused why DC government is opening today and everybody else is closed for inclement weather (drat!). It may be too early to be praying for snow days since technically this is only my 3rd day at the new job (trifling). Blogging has become a double edge sword. Yes, it is a great tool to flush out all these ideas swirling around in my brain at any given moment, but I fall in the bad habit of relying on it to convey things that I usually try to communicate face to face. Sometimes I have no choice, when my directness (there's that word again) meets a closed door. It used to frustrate me (okay, it still initially frustrates me), but it may be more of a reflection of the other person.. the object of my directness (I promise you I'll check Webster's in a minute). I have to realize you can't have a breakthrough with everyone. I feel one of my priceless examples coming on.. so you are at work or anywhere on God's green earth.. If I come across something I don't understand.. I ask questions to resolve my confusion. Eventhough I may not always get an answer, I'll continue to always ask the question... OR.. (I'm having an Oprah moment) maybe no answer is a clear answer (light bulb). Am I any better venting on my blog? Maybe not, but I was left to my own devices.

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