Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I'm about to go all Shawshank up in here. Of course I was up at the random hour of 4 am to catch Shawshank Redemption on HBO. That way I'm feeling right now, I would crawl through 500 yards of human waste to gain my freedom from this life of boredom. Yes, it was a sh*tty day over on the SW side of the "A". I am officially in a rut. It completely sucks to be in the middle of a career change and borderline financial crisis. I must be a complete genius to be taking such a risk while the WORLD is in an economic downward spiral... but that is me. I've done stranger things. Most of you know I'm trying to move to higher ground.. DC for those of you in the know. Not to down Atlanta in any way, but its like being with a really nice guy, but no spark. You don't get that tingle when your cell phone rings and you know it is him. If you decided to keep him around longterm you know he would be dependable, but you would be bored out of your skull. That is how I feel about Atlanta. We are not evenly yolked! Since I know that the Big Move is near, sitting around waiting for the official job offer to pack my sh*t and go is like watching paint dry. The anxiety is getting to me. Patience is not one of my most endearing qualities. I need instant gratification. Andy crawling through that pipe filled with raw sewage is the equivalent of me rubbing two pennies together for the last few months to see if I can make a dime. I just want to get to the other side and raise my hands in victory (for affect.. let it be raining and violins playing in the background). I need a change!

The Great Escape - Shawshank Redemption

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