Thursday, July 17, 2008

When is the "N" word EVER appropriate?

I am infuriated and disgusted by Jessie Jackson for many reasons, but this latest sh*t really gets under my skin. First, he is a public figure that prides himself on being "for the people, by the people" but at the same time he is DEGRADING the people!!! First by degrading Senator Barack Obama on air. Like this idiot has not ever done an interview before. Did you not know the microphone was still on Jessie? Dumb move. discuss your opinions with your boy off air. Second, the use of the "N" word in that same interview. So much for marching with Dr. King! Would he be proud of you today? Don't think so! I, personally feel, that if we could eradicate the "N" word from the face of the earth it would NOT be missed. The only time that it should be stated is in the form of documenting history. We justify its use by stating that is is a term of endearment, but is it really or just a filler? If you have a grandparent, parent, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, husband, wife, or even yourself, I am sure, in THIS lifetime, you or one of them, have heard this word in a derogatory manner. Whether it be directly or indirectly, you or someone in your family was called the "N" word and it was not pretty. It did not make you feel good. We, as black, African-American, people of color, or what ever you call yourself have two choices, We, 1. need to stop using it, OR, 2. Need to stop being so sensitive about it. I prefer the former over the latter. I do not think that it is okay for us to use it but no one else. That is stupid. NO ONE should use it. There is nothing so special about the "N" word that it must be used. I can find at least a hundred more words to fill that "void" and still get my point across. You think that it is time for change? Other than making sure that Senator Obama becomes our next president, lets REALLY make a change. Stop calling each other, Ni**a, Ni&&er, of any formulation of the word. There is nothing positive about it. I do not agree with Sherry Shepard and Whoopi Goldberg on this one. SORRY!!!


Anonymous said...

Definitley agree with you. Of course, I don't mind say B*itch.. sh*t, I'm working on cutting out f*uck.. but that is a hard one. No.. seriously.. good post!

The Socialite said...

Recently a friend of mines was inserting the word brother and sister everytime someone said N word. I find myself inserting those words now. Maybe people should try that, because I think that N word as become habit for alot of people, so maybe other words are needed to get rid of this habit.

Get Togetha said...

In replace of the N word I've been saying "Negro" cause it sounds less scathing; and more softer. But I don't think the word will ever be abolished; it's not humanly possible.

No matter who says it; it will always be what it is: a racially charged cuss word. A "use at your own risk" word; whether your white or black.

N*gga is a raw word. Kinda like the word "cunt" or "cocksucker" or "faggot" or "pussy". Use at your discretion; depending upon the situation that you are in.

Get Togetha said...

In response to Elisabeth; I think ole gurl just cried cause she felt like she was being picked on. The heart of the matter is that some white people want black to "forgive and forget" slavery. And the N word in a way reminds them of that legacy.

They've never really had to answer for American Chattel Slavey; and I think Elisabeth tears were representative of being a bleeding heart liberal.