Friday, February 20, 2009

Supernanny, You might need to visit the "hood"....

Okay- I am almost ready to go postal with a 2 YEAR OLD!!!! She is of course, brilliant, so friggin cute, and loving, HOWEVER, She can be hell on wheels! She is a little manipulator (at least I know she gets it honest...) She has my husband wrapped around her teeny tiny finger! I have tried everything- time out (UGHHH!) swats on the butt (She could care less) and trying to be loving when she is having a melt down. Nothing works! She has officially taken over. I am ready for baby boot camp! We ARE NOT going to end up on Maury! Am I more lenient than I think? The true kick in the pants for me is that anyone else that watches her is SO excited to have her. They say she is so pleasant and is such an angel. This is how I know at 2 years of age, she understands the difference between right and wrong. Someone, PLEASE Help!!! I am on my 7th child rearing book but as my 97 year old Grandmother says, Stop with the books!!! It might be time to grab the switch off of the tree.... LOL!!! OK, Please remember, she is ONLY 2!!! But I REALLY do not want to be one of the ONLY African-American families on this show! Getting my tubes tied is starting to look better everyday!!!
PLEASE HELP!!! I did want to give her a sibling.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny- I have been there. I have a 7 year old. Be patient and after the child's bedtime have a glass of wine. This too shall pass....