Wednesday, March 11, 2009


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Like beating (poor choice of words) a dead horse, I know this subject has been discussed at length. Eventhough, I've known my stance on the matter.. (a man should never hit a woman under any circumstances), I know opinions vary depending on age, gender, race, and level of retardation. I've gotten comments from friends, coworkers, the chick that takes the orders behind the counter at Full Yum (shout out to Joon Sung), and even the Great "O" chimed in. Fortunately, I've never been in a relationship were a disagreement has ever reached that level of violence. Some may say that means I've never been in a real relationship... and to that I say.. "the yellow pages has a list of therapist.... pick one!". Ain't nothing wrong with a little therapy, I plan to go get some as soon as my job goes permanent and after my 90 probation period my benefits kick in. I figure since I was blessed to see the age of 29.. okay.. 32.. dammit 35.. I'm one of the lucky ones. I like Katie's approach... short, sweet, and to the point.

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