Tuesday, March 10, 2009


In the illustrious words written by Rick James and sung by Eddie Murphy.. "my girls love to party all the time.. party all the time... party all the tiiiiiiime." I know this is the second time I've used this in a blog post.. but it can be used in so many different situations. I've reached the point where the mind and body are starting to separate. You know.. your mind has plans, but the rest of your body didn't get the memo. I cannot go from hustle mode to party mode within a span of 12 hours with only one meal and no nap (the two apple martinis didn't help). Now, I am paying dearly for it. The body shut down started almost two days after the festivities.. the sore muscles, scratchy throat, stuffy nose, and worst of all .. the shakes. I'm waving the white flag in surrender. I get it. I'm not 25. I can't go hard like that anymore. Now all I have left is the after taste of NyQuil, the scent of Vicks Vapor rub, and a trash can full of dirty tissues. See how Jesus got jokes? I'm sitting down now.


Anonymous said...

Get your act together!! You are not 100 years old! Take some vitamins REGULARLY and you will be fine. Get the gummi chewable ones since I know you are a wimp about pills!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! Why you gotta tell all my bidnezz!

Anonymous said...

Well you looked great!