Tuesday, March 3, 2009


The other night, I made an attempt to catch The Hills.. no wait The City.. ooops.. I mean, the black version.. Harlem Heights. My sleeping schedule has been a little off lately, cause I only made it through the opening credits... but that was long enough for me to find my cast favorite (I use the word "cast" cause you know it's scripted.. right?). My new girl crush is Brooke. She seems a little cocky, sure of herself, and her gear is HAWT!! Good Bye Old Navy.. Hello Barneys.. okay.. well maybe not good bye.. maybe a SEE YOU LATER. My income has to match my aspirations, I'm on my way. A college buddy is an executive producer, so I'll give it a chance. Tune in Monday @ 10p. Click here if you're bored.


Anonymous said...

Did you know Brook was Kanye West's old chick?

Three Brown Chicks said...
