Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Sitting here in Chicagoland typing from my sister's ancient Compaq, I'm struggling to get my 3 year old nephew to finish his frozen french toasts. Between my very active 9 month old niece (she has the makings of being the next stand up comedian) and answering the zillion questions 3 year olds have.. I will wait on the procreating thing. A minor flaw in my plan.. I may need to locate my husband/sperm donor first! With all that said.. my Monday nights are usually filled with reality television, but this batch of new contenders leaves much to be desired. Either I've decided to get a life within the last week or the attempt at trial motherhood (my niece and nephew are my guinea pigs) has monopolized all my time. When my sister gets any indication that help is available, she suddenly disappears into the night with only a vague explanation of when she'll return and a screech of the tires as she floors it to the end of the block. I guess everybody needs their escape. That is why God made Aunties!

Since my mid twenties, I've had my life pretty much planned out. Married at 27, first child by 31, maybe number 2 at 33. If any single chick says she's never thought about getting married and having a family.. SHE IS A COMPULSIVE LIAR... DUMP HER IMMEDIATELY! As you travel through life and several relationships, your perspective changes about the world around you. It is so true. I am a completely a different person now then I was as a fresh faced 22 year old college graduate ready to conquer the world. Things in my twenties that were considered absolutes are now maybes. Surprisingly, I think I'm okay with that.. for now anyway!

Oprah clip - 70% of black women are single.

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