I will leave out specific details to protect the innocent.
Fresh out of a committed relationship, I wanted to change up my routine on how I approached the idea of men and relationships. Usually, I would size men up before they hit the door. Go down my checklists of pros and cons, and then make my decision to proceed with caution or turn and run in the other direction. So on my latest attempt, I met this individual through a friend of a friend. Numbers were exchanged, emails were sent. Keep in mind I had seen this guy about 9 months ago, so I had a picture in my head of his physical characteristics, even though they were a little blurry. After a few great phone calls, it seemed like we had enough in common. He seemed polite and courteous, loves his mama, and seemed drama free. So as our first "date" approached, I have to say I was somewhat excited. My excitement meter dropped to level zero when I layed eyes on him. His reaction was "JACKPOT". My first reaction was "NO SWAGGER". What is "NO SWAGGER" you ask? I didn't do that internal high five I give myself when you are expecting the worse in a situation and the opposite happens. So my counter reaction was to say "but he has a great personality and physical attraction isn't everything. Will SWAGGER matter in 50 years?". We proceed through the date, and I found myself enjoying the conversation, but noticing his imperfections at the same time. His out of date ankle work boots paired with a short sleeved button up brown plaid shirt. It reminded me of a wardrobe of a middle aged man that still lived in the basement of his mama's house. To make matters worse, I had just left a relationship of the extreme opposite where every outing with Diddy Jr.(my ex)became a competition for the Designer of the Year Award. Not to sound self righteous, and I know there is no perfect man but... there is a PERFECT MATCH. There are those tiny little things that draw you to someone, some tangible and intangible. A friend reminded me that I always go for the guy that I didn't like in the beginning. Is that my pattern? If I change that pattern, will it change my pool of dateable men? There is always a learning curve to this dating thing. Am I on the wrong end of the curve?
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